Reschio Castle
(Height: 345 m a.s.l. - Distance: 16 Km from Umbertide; 4 Km from Lisciano Niccone). The castle is located on the border between Umbria and Tuscany; it is part of the territory of Lisciano Niccone and it rises on the top of a hill, 3 Km far from the trunk road winding along the Niccone Valley. It was built before the XI century. In the XIII century, it passed down to the Marchesi del Monte and in 1202, Uguccione and Guido, Marquis Raniero's sons, ceded to Perugia, among others, the Reschio territory, which was immediately put under its rule. During the Middle Ages the Lords of Perugia, Firenze and Città di Castello were often in conflict because all of them aimed at conquering the castle, because of its strategic position. Today the castle is in a state of good preservation; in spite of the numerous rebuildings, is still preserves its Renaissance characteristics. Inside the castle there's the Reschio parish church (dedicated to San Michele Arcangelo), which hs been under the control of Preggio prioral church since the XIV century.