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Lisciano Niccone

Montalto Castle


(Height: 388 m a.s.l. - Distance: 3 Km from Umbertide; 18 Km from Lisciano Niccone). The Montalto castle rises on the top of a green hill and it overlooks the Niccone Valley with its imposing tower. In ancient times this fortress had a tactical importance both for the defence of Fratta and for the control of the expansionist aims of Città di Castello. The first historical mention of the castle datesback to 1385, when the Perugia decided to reinforce it. Going on along the Niccone trunk road, 20 km far from castle of Montalto there is Preggio, a medieval village rising on the top of a 631 m high hill. From Preggio people may see the Lake Trasimeno in a very suggestive setting. In Preggio the Trinithy Church in S. Francesco (1223) with its silver reliquary keepint the "holy thorn", the Church of the Madonna delle Grazie (1400) and the ruins of the ancient fortress (917), are not to be missed.